I’ve always wanted an Apple Watch, but have feared a reaction. Last year, I took some time to research and ask other fellow ACD sufferers if they struggle with nickel allergy reactions and their Apple Watch. They cautioned me about the band as it could contain nickel in the metal button buckle attachment of the silicone band some come with. I went with this one from Groove Life that has an aluminum button for the hook instead of nickel. It has worked great and held up really well.
It’s like Apple heard my nickel allergy concerns I expressed to the salesman at our Apple store last year. They have a new band they released recently. It’s called the Solo Loop. It’s an infinity silicone loop without any closure mechanism. A great option for my nickel allergy friends.

My watch is the Apple Watch Series 5 GPS, 40mm Silver Aluminum Case. I went with the Aluminum case. It still has an extremely tiny amount of nickel deep inside the mechanism I found out from speaking to Apple. I did talk with several nickel allergy friends and like me, they aren’t having trouble. The best news is that Apple is sensitive to this issue and told me they will take a return should a nickel allergy reaction arise!! Do you have an Apple Watch? How do you do with it?

Although I haven’t been formally diagnosed with a nickel allergy, it did show up as an irritant on my recent patch test last year. I try to avoid it as to not bring on a fully developed allergy. If you suffer from Nickel Allergy, it may also be helpful to research a low nickel diet. #sponsored #myshopstyle

John says
This was a great article. My wife was wondering about the same issue about the apple watch. I have already purchased the watch band. Thanks, Dannyelle for the pro tip.
Tricia says
I went through a disaster experience with rashes on any sensitive skin area (think breasts and who-ha, neck, etc.). No doctors could figure it out and it was pure HELL for months, enough so that I went to Urgent Care on T-Day because I was on the verge of cutting my skin off because the itchiness and pain were unbearable. Finally, after months of perplexed doctors, I had a full-panel allergy test completed that said I was allergic to nickel. Once I figured out on my own that the culprit was my coveted Apple Watch and I stopped wearing it, the rashes miraculously disappeared and I could stop taking the antihistamine meds I was prescribed.
And btw, it’s not just the band — any nickel, even if deeply embedded, causes a systemic allergy reaction. A fellow nickel allergy friend paints clear nail polish on the back of her Apple Watch and that seems to help her. I just, sadly, gave up on my Apple Watch entirely…that’s how bad the rashes were for me.
Apple will NOT accept returns on a watch you have a nickel allergic reaction to unless you report it immediately (it took months for me to even figure out that it was the watch, so that’s fake Apple care IMHO) and it’s only good for an Apple credit (circa. 2019). Buyer beware if you have nickel allergy issues – you shouldn’t risk it with the Apple Watch and Apple’s support response was meh at best.
theallergylife says
Wow Tricia! Thanks for the info on your personal experience. I am sorry your Apple Watch caused this for you. And I’m really sorry Apple didn’t hold up their end of the bargain in treating you better as a customer. There is trace amounts of nickel in the watch itself – and could for sure bother some of us.
A Delayed Hypsersensitivy allergy – allergic contact dermatitis- can be super tricky to figure out and I’m so glad you’ve had patch testing to help you navigate yours. Have you ever considered a low nickel diet? It is helpful for so many. When I started wearing my apple watch, it caused tingling and numbness in my left hand/thumb. Changing the band and adding a cover to my Macbook Pro laptop seemed to mitigate it for me, but my nickel allergy is not very sophisticated yet – it only shows as an irritant on my patch testing right now. I do watch it carefully though.
Thanks for reaching out and giving a detailed description of your experience. It helps us all!