let’s work together

Media Kit available by dropping me a note at dannyelle @ theallergylife. com
Interested in hiring Dannyelle @ The Allergy Life? As a living-with Allergic Contact Dermatitis blog, collaborating with Dannyelle can be a great resource for sharing your brand with this incredible community. People living with ACD are hungry for knowledge of brands that fit into their reaction-free lifestyle.
Dannyelle/The Allergy Life is available to work with brands/companies in a variety of ways, but not limited to:
- Sponsored Recipe Posts
- Recipe Development for Balsam of Peru Avoidance
- Freelance/Content Creation
- Product Reviews
- Travel to Resorts to certify allergy safety for my ACD community
Sponsorship, Product Reviews, & Giveaways
The Allergy Life currently accepts products to review. However, all content and opinions on The Allergy Life are my own and honest. This preserves the integrity of The Allergy Life and fairness to my readers. I also reserve the right not to include a product review if I am not 100% satisfied with the product or feel it does not align with The Allergy Lifeʼs goal of providing its readers with reaction-free products. If I do love your product, great! I will gladly share my experience with my readers.
The Allergy Life is available to work with select brands that align with my mission of providing my community products and travel locations that align with the goal of a reaction-free lifestyle.
If you are interested in advertising and sponsorship, please email Dannyelle at dannyelle @ theallergylife .com with the subject MEDIA, and please include detailed information. I disclose all brand and organization relationships to my readers.